Rebalancing the weather

December 23, 2009

Let us suppose for a moment, that if enough people prayed, imagined, visualised and focused on the weather, we could actually effect a change.

There’d be no point in asking for sunshine, if where you are has floods, or rain if where you are is suffering drought – your success might only cause further imbalance. The only way that makes sense is to focus on globally rebalancing the weather.

If the power of focused positive thought (ie. energy) could affect the delicate balance of the intricate weather systems and climate around our planet (ie. energy) then it has to be through rebalancing and harmonising that energy system.

Join me now and pass this on:

Focusing on rebalancing the weather

  1. Pray, focus, imagine, visualise the whole earth globe, the climate and weather systems, the atmosphere around it and
  2. Imagine these rebalancing and harmonising, changes subtly and gently happening, as if of themselves, as you witness this
  3. Send thoughts and feelings of love and appreciation to the earth and its climate and weather systems.

That’s it, that’s all you need to do, for a few moments up to as long as you want, as often as you can.

It does not matter what your philosophy, beliefs, or any other thoughts about this are – now is the time for action –

Act now, join in:

Every day, 3 x a day, morning, noon and night, or at any other convenient quiet moment. Imagine the globe of the earth, surrounded by weather systems, gently harmonising, rebalancing, coming back into balance and equilibrium.

We don’t need to know or ask for what we need locally,
We don’t need to know how it can best happen.
We just need to focus on harmony, balance, loving the earth, loving the weather, loving the rain and sun, the peace and the wildness, the seasons and their changes –
– loving and accepting it all and imagining it whole, balanced, harmonious.

Can we affect the weather through the power of our mental focus?

If you need proof this can be done, read The Intention Experiment, read The Hidden Messages in Water, read and reflect on the power of divine intervention and read of the focused thought experiments on the effects of prayer on healing. Convince yourself if you want or need to, as this may help your positive focus; but it is enough to simply open your mind to the possibility and to carry out the focusing practice I describe. Read the books or watch films such as What the Bleep Do we Know or The Secret, which describes the “Law of Attraction”, essentially that thoughts influence events. The possibilities are so exciting and the evidence compelling enough to make it worth our while to focus on globally beneficial aims and projects.

Whatever helps you to join in and focus with a positive conviction, do it, but most importantly:

Act now, join in –

Imagine our earth, surrounded by it’s weather systems, whole and harmonious and keep doing this, if only for a moment, or a passing thought, several times a day, every day. Do this every time you pray, every time you think about the weather, every time you see a weather report or someone mentions the weather.

If you can’t visualise the world’s weather, climate and atmosphere rebalancing, just think these words, (or something similar in your own words) :

“Love, harmony and gratitude to the earth and her atmosphere
Love, harmony and gratitude to the weather”

“I love and thank the weather for rebalancing all around the planet now and ongoing”

“Thank you for the wind, sun and rain, we need you all. We need the atmosphere around us, everything in balance, in its own time and place and season – we thank you all.”

– Feel free to add your positive suggestions, visualisations, wording and research links, in the form of comments to this Blog.

Love and Harmony to you all,

Susanna Bellini
Bronze Dragon training

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